nina be's special!

The Journey Journal

Experience a journey of self-discovery and growth with The Journey Journal

Are you looking for a way to enhance your self-discovery journey while positively impacting the world?

Look no further than The Journey Journal by nina be.

This expressive writing journal features 10 natural resources that every person has available to transform trauma...

These 10 Promises with prompts for self-exploration, reflection, and mindfulness tips have been researched by Duke University as proven means and sources of happiness.

The Journey Journal will help you to incorporate them into your daily life.

The 10 Promises are innate resources for resilience.

They are:: Kindness, Cleanliness, Caring, Sharing, Purity, Love, Truth, Power, Self-Realization, and the Sacred.

The beautiful illustrations by awaken dream add to the overall experience of this transformative journal.

Let The Journey Journal be your guide to a more fulfilled and purposeful life.

Start your journey towards self-discovery and growth today with The Journey Journal.

Let nina be and awaken dream be your companions on the path to a more fulfilling life.