Welcome to Centering Life

Mindbody Centering Yoga Traumaprograms designed to grow your self-respect, power, and peace through your mind, body and heart!

Hi, I'm Nina Be...

I started centering life after dedicating 45 years to yoga, embodied psychology, movement arts, mindfulness & meditation.

After studying, learning, practicing and teaching what the best of the best have to offer us, I have so much to share with you...

I am so honored to be sharing these centering life experiences with you.

nina be, yoga therapist, psychologist, dancer
centering life offers Trauma-Informed MindBody Centering Yoga and Mindfulness courses, classes, and workshops to help transform self-doubt, anxiety, depression, ADHD, and negative self-image.

we learn from our experience, and the things we sometimes label trauma are transformed into the gold of WISDOM,
for ourselves & for the world.

Embodied experiences to cultivate resilience.

Wisdom Circles

a monthly mindfulness group therapy program.

access & transform your clarity & courage & truth for mental, physical & emotional well being in 30 days!

mindbody centering yoga

a trauma-informed approach for transformation

yoga classes

yoga classes

online and in-person

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trauma informed yoga teacher trainings with yoga therapist nina be

trauma-informed trainings

Yoga Alliance Certifications

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Online Yoga Alliance Certifications

online mindfulness courses

transform your mind & body & heart

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yoga therapy with master yoga therapist nina be

Individual Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy for physical, mental and emotional well-being.

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yoga therapy with master yoga therapist nina be

Couples Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy in Relationship for physical, mental & emotional well-being.

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mindfulness courses

online courses to resource your courage & life purpose

If you have any questions about our courses, please email us at centeringnow.life (at) gmail.com